Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fishing Trip #46 May 6, 2015 5:30 AM

Went fishing for about 45 minutes on my way to work this morning. The winds were really blowing and the water was very choppy. There was also intermittent rain, but nothing that would make me pack up early and leave. I used a plastic worm with a Texas Rig set up and caught one panfish. My H2O XPRESS Shallow Running Jointed Square-Bill Crankbait was still the best lure this morning. I had two largemouth bass on but was only able to land one of them. I also caught a second panfish with it.

Weather conditions: 66 degree air temperature with strong winds (10-15 mph) from the southeast. The sky was very cloudy with 
intermittent rain.

Caught 1 largemouth bass using 
an H2O XPRESS Shallow Running Jointed Square-Bill Crankbait and 2 panfish (one with a plastic worm and the other with the 
H2O XPRESS Shallow Running Jointed Square-Bill Crankbait).

Catch and Release.

Catch #1

Catch #2

Catch #3

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