Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Fishing Trip #38 April 28, 2015 5:10 AM

Went fishing for about 10 minutes on my way to work this morning. I got to the lake at 5:10 AM and after 5 minutes I was contacted by a coworker calling in sick. The weather was perfect for fishing and I caught one within the first couple of minutes. I put new 10 lb test line on my poles last night and wanted to give them a good workout this morning, but my plans were cut short. I had to pack up and leave to cover the earlier shift of my coworker. 

Weather conditions: 42 degree air temperature with no wind. The sky was dark.

Caught 1 largemouth bass using 
an H2O XPRESS Shallow Running Jointed Square-Bill Crankbait.

Catch and Release.

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