Monday, April 27, 2015

Fishing Trip #37 April 27, 2015 5:20 AM

Went fishing for about 45 minutes on my way to work this morning. The lake was calm and quiet. I caught the first bass on my third cast. He was a fighter! At 6:05 AM my line turned into a "bird's nest" as I cast out into a portion of the lake I haven't fished in a while. That was my cue to pack up and continue on to work. I think the 12 lb test line is too heavy and thick for this small lake. I'm planning on putting 10 lb test on later today and seeing the difference it makes.

Weather conditions: 44 degree air temperature with no wind. The sky was partly cloudy going from dark to dawn.

Caught 4 largemouth bass using 
an H2O XPRESS Shallow Running Jointed Square-Bill Crankbait.

Catch and Release.

Catch #1

Catch #2

Catch #3

Catch #4

Beautiful dawn sky!

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