Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Fishing Trip #23 April 8, 2015 5:45 AM

Went fishing for about 15 minutes on my way to work this morning. I lost my favorite lure (the  H2O XPRESS Shallow Running Jointed Square-Bill Crankbait) on the first cast. I had a lipless crankbait in my backpack, so I snapped it on and gave it a try.

In the meadow behind me I could hear heavy breathing, like a large animal was trying to smell me. It was probably a cow or a horse. I tried to see what it was, but the fog was too dense.

Weather conditions: 53 degrees with a 7 mph breeze from the north, foggy, with a dark pre-dawn sky. There was a lot lightning but no thunder. The fog reminded me of fishing the Sacramento River when I was a boy.

No fish caught.

Foggy morning at Johnson Lake

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