Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Fishing Trip #67 June 3, 2015 5:30 AM

Went fishing for 60 minutes on my way to work this morning. I tried four different lures, all with no success. I had a couple of bites but none strong enough to set the hook. The winds kept blowing my line back to the shore when I was using plastic worms & crayfish and heavy weed cover in the water made using my crankbait an exercise in futility as I had to keep pulling the weeds from the hooks after every cast.

There was a full moon last night and perhaps the fish were feeding all night and not hungry this morning. This breaks my streak of catching a fish in 22 consecutive trips to the lake dating back to May 2, 2015.

Weather conditions: 63 degrees with strong winds from the south.  The sky was cloudy and overcast.

No fish caught.

Moon in the sky this morning

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