Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fishing Trip #158 October 28, 2015 5:50 AM— 50 Consecutive Fishing Trips!

50 Consecutive Fishing Trips with at least one catch!! 

This morning's catch and trip to the lake marks 50 consecutive times I have caught at least one fish. The last time I did not catch any fish was August 3, 2015 (almost three months ago). These 50 trips have resulted in me catching 116 bass. Who knows how much longer this streak will continue. The fall weather is getting cooler each week and the fishing will no doubt slow down. To be continued....

Went fishing for about 30 minutes on my way to work this morning. It was windy and overcast. 

Weather conditions: 51 degrees, overcast pre-dawn sky with 11 mph winds from the northwest. 

  • Caught 1 largemouth bass with a with a H2O XPRESS Shallow Running Jointed Square-Bill Crankbait.

Catch and release.

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