Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Fishing Trip #98 July 21, 2015 5:45 AM

Went fishing with Mary this morning on my way to work. We were at the lake for about 50 minutes. Nice fishing conditions. I had trouble with my tackle but it was beautiful this morning with mist on the water, cattle lowing, bullfrogs croaking, and a duck quacking—lots of wildlife activity. I had a couple of bites and one on the line but no fish caught. Mary skunked me with 3 nice largemouth bass! Nice job Mary!!

Weather Conditions: 67 degrees, no wind.

Mary caught 3 largemouth bass using a Wacky Rigged Plastic Worm (bringing her season total to 34 bass).

Catch and Release.

Bass #1

Bass #2

Bass #3

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